I started this blog as a way to achieve my 2012 goal of focusing on the positive, celebrating the small things in life, enjoying my family and living a happy life. That, and the fact that we live in a 980sq ft., 2 bedroom condo with a 2nd baby on the way and with this real estate market, we may be there a while. SO what else is a girl to do, but stay focused on all the wonderful gifts that life has given me and use my creativity to live large in our small, albeit cozy, home.
A bit about my odd and random self:
Born at an early age and raised in ManchVegas, I was a menace to walls, churches and girl scout organizations everywhere. Upon graduating university with my Bachelor of Arts degree in Graphic Design, I packed up my covered wagon and headed out to Texas to become a cowgirl/starving artist. After spending time best forgotton in Dallas, I settled on a lovely area in Austin and shared my apartment with a native family of Palmetto Bugs (read: Giant Cockroaches) who, thankfully, scattered when I turned on the lights - so I had the lights on. A lot. Even when I slept. The power company loved me and to this day still sends holiday cards.
After suffering through blistering heat, flash floods, softball sized hail, being chased up an interstate by a tornado and most disturbingly, chased out of a bar with a large and menacing looking cattle prod, I got the hell outta Dodge and headed back to the green lushness of New Hampshire where I still reside (with my handsome husband and adorable daughter {soon to be daughters}) in a condominium surrounded maple trees and kamikaze squirrels.
Despite rumors to the contrary, I am neither a color, a crayon nor a pub brew. I am, according to my business card, a graphic designer for a newspaper and (sometimes) a fine artist.
My other pastimes include writing, photography, spewing weird philosophies, drawing, painting, singing in the shower, and shaving poodles - all at the same time. Really. I have an irrational fear of gray squirrels, public transportation and an intense dislike of lactose.