I've seen a lot of facebook posts and tweets kicking poor 2011 to the curb with birds and a general lack of respect. Myself? I think 2011 was THE BOMB. It was a truly great year for me and mine... My family got a little bit bigger. In addition to my wonderful 9-year old Bean, I got to marry the love of my life/best friend/soul mate, traveled to Paris, found out we are expecting our first daughter together.
So the new year is finally here and the countdown to Baby J is on. I'm due March 31st, but I'm kinda hoping for April 1st. As announced earlier - my site has moved to it's own domain and I've decided to not abandon this one, but change it up for some personal work, thoughts and reflections.
So while I look forward to 2012 to be as great as, if not better than, 2011. The first challenge of the new year? Living large in a small space. Most of us have been effected by the less than stellar economy in the last few years. Back in 2008, when I was in need of a new place to live, I decided to buy a condo. I thought owning a condo for basically the same amount of money it would cost me to rent one was just a sound and proper adult decision. I didn't need much space - so I found on whose layout was perfect - 2 bedrooms (one for me and one for the Bean), living room, dining room, kitchen and bathroom.
Design nut that I am (I've even sketched out where I'm going to place Christmas ornaments one year) - I got to updating light fixtures, floors, the kitchen and made a cozy little nest for us. It even fits our now 3-person family well... but there's one more on the way, so space is at a premium. Plus, thanks to the many shady factors of our world economy, that cozy little nest lost a lot of equity (buh bye 20% down and then some). BUT - the optimist that I strive to be tells me that space is all perception... regional perception to be exact.
For example, if I was living in Manhattan, 980 sq. ft would be a palace! Even if I popped over for a stay in Europe, we be considered to have tons of space! Being Americans, we are programmed to think it unimaginable to live in less than a home that boasts 1600 sq ft, multiple bathrooms and an expansive lawn. Bigger, better, more.
I am fortunate to have had a wonderful relationship with my Great Aunt Julie - who grew up during the Great Depression. For over 10 years, I would visit with her weekly and through our many conversations, taught me the value of smaller living. (One of my dear friends use to call it "Wednesdays with Julie") So, it's not only space perception, but also the awareness of what we need vs. what we want. Although, I want more space, I don't necessarily need it. People survive with far less than what we have and it sometimes takes a reality check to stop and remember just how fortunate we actually are. It is far better to live within, if not below, ones means than to stretch oneself too thin. With a new baby and a few other projects warming up on the burner, Adventure #1 of the new year involves some creative thinking and planning of the space I currently have and how to introduce a new baby into it with ease.
Stay tuned for photos, sketches, ramblings... you know.. the normal stuff!