Showing posts with label NH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NH. Show all posts

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Summer Days

It was a hectic summer - and my camera has been on perpetual back log but I did manage over the last few evening to process some photos of the girls from summer. Bean is getting harder and harder to wrestle down for pictures - she wants nothing to do with me and my camera anymore - I count myself lucky to have snagged the few that I did. Now if I can only get them together.... 

Friday, February 22, 2013

last day

exterior image of Union Leader Building

{click} I took this photo walking in this morning - my last Friday here. I started here in July of 2007 and have had the great fortune of working with some of the warmest, kindest, hardworking folks I have known. I start my new job on March 4th and I couldn't be more excited - and a tad bit nervous. While I am looking forward to the new adventures that lie ahead, it's always sad to leave behind the comfortable known. I remind myself, that it is the leaps that make the adventure that much more exhilarating.