Showing posts with label reminders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reminders. Show all posts

Monday, October 8, 2012

Reminders to self

I will never blame others for the place I am – or am not. The actions and choices of others, while they may effect my feelings, do not define me. It is my reactions and choices that steer my direction. Period.

I am not so small in this world that I have ever seen myself as the "victim" in my life. I am wise enough to be responsible for myself.

People will hurt my feelings. They will trample on my kindness and mistake it for weakness. These people are broken. I will try not be angry with them. This is difficult to do when one has been hurt, but rather, I will pity them because they have demons to conquer and do not know any other way to be. {This one is the hardest.}

I will always be kind. I know my actions - large or small - can effect others. I will never knowingly hurt anyone else for any reason. 

People come into your life, stay and grow with you. Cherish and appreciate them. They help shape the way you see yourself.

People come into your life and people fall out of your life. Some with dramatic exits and some with quiet endings. They are fleeting visitors who leave but always impart a lesson. They also help shape the way you see yourself and how you handle yourself in the future. I will learn from them - but let them go.

I will let go of anger. It is useless to hold onto it.

I will remain silly, thoughtful, slightly weird, sometimes serious and always wonder what I will be when I grow up because I am determined to always be growing.

I will love my children more with every passing moment and cherish the nose and hand prints on the window even though I just cleaned the darned window – because one day they will move away and I will have perfectly clean windows. 

It is easy to feel alone when I am scared - even when surrounded by the largest of crowds. I will feel blessed and thankful that I have found a strong hand to hold, that won't let go, won't give up and reminds me that not only I am supported but my dreams are supported as well.

I will never forget to say "I love you" and "Thank you" – but if I do please remember that I carry your heart with me always and you have mine - even when I'm cranky and overtired.